Wow! I can't believe we're already at 38 weeks. If you hadn't noticed, Little Miss C has definitely dropped. I am getting nervous but at the same time am more than ready to be done with this part of the deal. I know, I know, I should be grateful I can do this and all that. Trust me, I am. I am just looking forward to holding Miss C. I am sure that makes some sort of sense!
I talked to one of my bosses on Friday and told him I am going on half-days. He quickly agreed (I was shocked I didn't have to plead my case!) and DH is thrilled that I am not going to be at work as much as I have recently. I guess I am just an overachiever. I keep thinking I can do all of this without it impacting me. Wrong. I am beat when I get home so going on half-days makes total sense. There are folks guessing when we will meet Miss C. Some are saying it will be this weekend, some next week and some are speculating that she will arrive on her original expected arrival date. I can only promise to tell when it happens.
Speaking of this weekend! DH made me my very favorite, beef ribs! If you haven't been lucky enough to try them, let me tell you, he has the secret down! Between him and my brother "J", they have the secret family recipe figured out and when we have ribs they are tastier than anything you can ever think to buy in town. For those uninitiated, let me assure you, you can't find ribs like these in Socal. So, if you're ever invited to have some, please stop by! I share nicely!
Guess that's pretty much it. We're going to try and continue to take it easy this weekend. If something does happen, we'll let ya know! ;-)
RIBS! YUM! I have had those ribs and can witness that all you say is true. SNG has been trying to reproduce them but he knows full well that his are but a shadow of your DH's.
If you eat the whole rack of ribs by yourself, it might induce labor. Hey, it'd be fun to find out, right? :-)
RIBS! YUM! I have had those ribs and can witness that all you say is true. SNG has been trying to reproduce them but he knows full well that his are but a shadow of your DH's.
If you eat the whole rack of ribs by yourself, it might induce labor. Hey, it'd be fun to find out, right? :-)
Oops-- I hit "Enter" twice.
No worries. DH says if SNG wants to have a rib chat, he might be motivated to talk!
I do everything I can to enjoy DH's ribs. I did leave a few, but that's just so I have something yummy for today!
You look wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, motherly, etc!! I have so enjoyed the weekly pics and you can REALLY tell that she has!!
Thanks so much! It really is nice to hear. Just waiting now...........
Checking in virtually to see how our Ms. Liz & Miss are doing. This is it Liz, you're on final approach! I collapsed on the sofa at 38+ weeks going OK, “I'm ready for this baby to be born...we need to serve an eviction notice!” 1/2 days sound wonderful. I remember
working on my last big project for a PR firm as pregnant as you are,
the young female executive (childless by choice) absolutely cut me no slack and didn't care a wit I was about to give birth any second, she wanted her concepts... made last minute, nit picky, corrections that would drive the most seasoned designer nuts. In any case, the stress of that project help put me into labor so I suppose she was part of grand scheme of things! : ) I was at Starbucks on 5th waiting for a friend when I first realized THIS WAS IT, that weekend we took Sarah home and everytime I drive by that particular Starbucks I remember it as the place where she
told me she was coming into the world. You will be in great hands,
the nurses and doc's are wonderful with first time Mommy's and they
will see you through everything. We are so excited for you!
I am looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel. Miss C is so active, its like I have a Miss C bulge on top of the preggers bulge. Everyone keeps telling me "you will know when it's time." I hope so! Otherwise, we're all in for some tough times ahead! I swear, I feel her feet kicking off my ribs every couple of seconds. Any bets on size? I am guessing 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21 1/2 inches, but that's just a guess. The length mainly because she absolutely has to have long legs! LOL.
Took off on my first half day today. Thought my boss was going to freak. I simply told him, nope, got to go. He scrambled to get me more stuff to finish before noon. I should have thought of this before! ;-)
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