The teeth are bothering her a little more than in the past, but that was bound to happen. She actually only ate once at school before coming home and that was at 8 in the morning and she didn't come home until almost 1! Isn't that crazy? Apparently she also took a 2 1/2 hour nap today after she ate so I guess between eating at home right before school and eating a full bottle little more than an hour later stated Miss C for a while. She certainly made up for it once she got home. Poor DH had to deal with a very hungry baby once he got back.
Well, that's pretty much it. We're going to be spending the weekend putting stuff up for the move. We're packing out next week and need to make sure that we have everything we want to take up ourselves separated. We're also going up north in a couple of weeks to check the place over and hopefully close then. Still stressing about selling the house here in Socal, but its a great house so it will sell. Its just a matter of time, right?
Have a great Labor Day weekend and thanks to everyone who called/emailed/dropped by for the birthday wishes yesterday!