I have to say, this is really a challenging transition. My entire career I have been driven to excel. I still feel that same drive but it is tempered by something else, an intense desire to spend as much time as I possibly can with Miss C. I have 5 years to go before I am eligible for retirement. There's no turning back now. Its just that with my last job, well, I had a lot more flexibility with my hours than here. As I mentioned in my last posting, we found a great provider for Miss C during the day, but when DH has to go on the road, I will probably be on shifts so I have to come up with an alternate plan for the days that I have evening or even night watches. I can do some watch exchanges with other folks who
prefer not to be around during the day, but I am trying to convince the powers that be that once I complete the qualification that I should take over one of the day jobs, one more in line with my rank as I am senior amongst the watch officers. See what I mean? Before, it would have been no big deal, but now....
Speaking of Miss C, she is doing great! She is having a little difficulty adjusting to day light savings time, but who isn't? We're trying to adjust her little by little. She only got up 45 minutes earlier than normal this morning so it looks like we will do this in 15 minute intervals!

Be sure to check out the flickr and if you get time, the you tube too, I managed to upload a couple there in the past week or so. I still have more videos to upload but when I have a choice between playing tummy time with Miss C or uploading videos, well, the videos always end up waiting!
Oh, before I forget again, I have been meaning to post formal congrats to my brother W and his wife L. They are going to be parents around Miss C's birthday! So, congrats again and don't be afraid to post or check out Alphagal or Poobous' posts. We're all more than happy to answer any questions or help in any way!
I know exactly what you mean about that drive to succeed clashing head-first with the drive to spend all the time you can with miss baby. I've had that same conflict. The way I figure it, the baby time is limited, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can (well, between the travel and going to work) and everything else can wait until she's old enough to be less interested in spending time with mommy-- which is only a few years away. For you, that'll coincide with retirement, so about the time you get lots more time with miss c, she'll be saying "hey, mama, go find something to do while I play with my friends!" :-)
Do what we can while we can, right? I know that both DH and I have given up certain aspects of our lives before Miss C that we will need to reincorporate but for now the focus of effort lies in her. I think that's how its supposed to be, right?
Totally off the subject of your thread, however, I LOVE those cheeks!!
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