Ok, so when we last visited Miss C's doctor, we discussed some signs that Miss C might be ready to start on cereals. For example, does she eat more than normal? Is she teething? Does she show an interest in our food? Can she hold her head up? Can she sit unsupported in a chair? Well, the answer was yes to all of the above. One of the main reasons we chose to start cereals recently is that Miss C seems to need them. She is still primarily getting breast milk, but she has been getting some cereal in the evenings lately. We are going to start with breakfast soon.
Speaking of which, check out this great photo of Miss C and her Daddy!

In addition to that major change, DH's sister, J, came out for a week. She did us the great favor of organizing what we are now calling our library (its a ton of books in both our office and the family room but they are only separated by a set of double doors so...). It looks great and will look even better once we get our drapes but please, don't ask about those! We took some time and put up some
wallies on Miss C's ceiling fan and in her bathroom. Check out this picture from her bathroom.

Pretty neat, eh? Miss C loves yellow and seems to like the fish!
In addition, Miss C got to spend lots of time with her Auntie J. They get along great and had a blast playing together. It only took Miss C about 3 days to become really relaxed with her. As you can see, they get along famously.

I went back to work today. First "real" work day here in the great Northwest. It's a neat job and I am looking forward to learning a lot and working with the folks here. My only concern is the fact that there are shifts here and there may be times when I have to have someone stay with Miss C at night for a few nights or in the evening for a few evenings if DH is gone. I am trying not to stress the possibility out, but its there. This is also the longest I have had Miss C at day care. She was at Ms. J's house today from 7 am to 330 pm. It will probably be 4 pm tomorrow. I feel like I am not doing something right because she is there so much, but my working hours, right now, are 730 am to 4 pm so I am struggling to make sure Miss C isn't there too much longer than she has to be. I don't really have a choice because DH's hours are about the same as mine. I keep telling myself something that DH's Mom told me once, "It's not the quantity of time you spend with your daughter but the quality." I hope she's right.
I was looking over your Flickr pictures and LOVING it! She's so cute and seems very happy with her new surroundings.
Remember that talk about wanting to be jealous of your care provider because you will be sure they are taking the best care of your little one that you can ask for, well, I have that. Its great but its not, ya know? Miss C is doing awesome! She is learning so fast and wants to do so much!
Cereal is fun. Wait until you get to Cheerios and other finger foods. So much fun to watch them try to get it in their little mouths all by themselves!
I agree with G's mom - when you're with Miss C, you are so completely involved and connected with her. That matters far more than the number of hours she spends in daycare. Go easy on yourself, you're doing great.
Its just tough to go from spending all my time with her to her spending 9 hours a day with someone else. I try to keep perspective, treat it like school. Thanks ya'll.
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