Well, its been a wild four months. If you had asked me a year ago what I thought this would be like, I would have definitely not been able to guess.
Miss C is more wonderful than we ever imagined possible. We've been so busy this past month that its hard to remember what i have already gushed about and what I have simply spoken to friends about.
So, without further ado, Miss C's current status:
1. Check up is on the 16th (new doctor, harder to get an appointment, apparently!) but we are estimating her weight at 16 pounds and her height around 26 1/2 inches. I promise to post when I get the actual numbers.
2. She is sleeping in her nursery at night! Yea. I know, this was really a challenge for me to accept that she is fine sleeping in her own room. I mean, it should have been a no-brainer but since we took longer to move her because we didn't set up a nursery until now, well, it was more difficult. I was going to wait until today, her actual 4 month day, but DH suggested we do it on her 16 week day. He just thought sooner the better to get me used to it. Well, the first night she slept so peacefully. It didn't dawn on me until well after I got up the next day to check the channel on the monitor. Low and behold, I had the wrong channel in. Now, this may be a large house, but it is very quiet at night. So, I tell myself, if she really needed anything, she would have simply hollered loud enough for me to hear. Since that first night, she has started stirring around 430 or 5am and I get up to feed her simply to alleviate the pressure in my chest. She used to go right back to sleep but apparently her nursery offers some slight stimulation in the dark because after I put her back to bed, kiss her and tell her to go back to sleep, I hear her talking (to herself? her toys?) for about 20 minutes before she goes back to sleep. It's so cute!
3. She has three teeth broken through working on a fourth. they are all bottom teeth. I would love to post photos but as they are all clear still, no joy there. She chews on everything she can get her hands on up to and including her hands. If I haven't already done so, thank you to all who saw fit to give her teething toys at the baby shower! they have certainly come in handy earlier than we anticipated!
4. She lies on her side. Since she found her feet a couple (?) of weeks ago, Miss C spends a lot of time on her side. Its a combination of finding and playing with her feet as well as having a different view. Her balance is simply amazing!
5. She loves her jumperoo! We were given a jumperoo (thanks J, C and B!) from some friends who's son had either out grown it or didn't like it. Well, Miss C loves it! It has definitely come in handy while we have been unpacking around here. I just put the jumperoo in a door way where I am unpacking boxes and Miss C bounces and goes in circles while chewing on teething rings and teething keys, happily talking to me, the cat, anything in her line of sight. No videos yet, but again, we are still moving in! ;-)
6. Miss C equally loves her Exersaucer! This, if you are unfamiliar, is like a walker without wheels. Apparently those are no longer allowed. Too many injuries, I guess. If you have stairs, block them off (duh!) and if you aren't paying attention, well, you're kind of asking for trouble, right? Anyway, Miss C's Aunt C and Cousin M got her this great contraption at the baby shower and DH put it together the other day. Here is a photo of her enjoying her new toy!

Well, that's pretty much it. I know I am barely under the wire for "today" on the east coast. Forgive me. We interviewed 3 folks to care for Miss C. Found 1 we thought would be great but found out there was someone who interviewed her before us and they got the last spot (she only has 3 total). So, I am off again tomorrow to hopefully find the right person. Luckily the navy has an office I call where they give me a list of names and numbers of navy certified home care providers who have a spot available in the right age. I just have to find the right one and let me tell you, it's scary! Wish us luck!
Don't you love listening to them talking to themselves over the monitor? It cracks me up every time.
You can still buy walkers, they're just different than when we were babies (much wider at the base, less risk of tipping over, etc.). My parents gave us one, but Cate doesn't like it that much, so we hardly ever use it. The exersaucer is much more popular. And the jumperoo was an even bigger hit, but she now exceeds the weight limit for it (sad!). But I would *NEVER* use a walker upstairs - I swear, some people just don't have very much common sense.
Oh, and about daycare: it's great that the navy approves these people, but make sure you ask for references too. Even just for your own peace of mind - some of the stories I heard from other moms about our current daycare provider made me feel a thousand times more at ease about leaving Cate with her.
I will keep that in mind, about the walker. I think Miss C will be fine without for the time being. The care providers aren't allowed to have swings, exersaucers, walkers or basically any other thing that you can basically put a kid in and let them hang out. Guess too many folks were just sitting them in these things then doing stuff other than taking care of them. Truly a scary thought. I have to interview more folks today. Ugh!
Happy 4-month-day, baby Catie!!
Jumperoos and exersaucers are like baby Playstation-- hours of uninterrupted fun! We used our saucer as a highchair for awhile to avoid the highchair battle. :-)
Hi Liz,
Love the pics and videos. Being a mom is great, isn't it? I'm really enjoying Matthew too. He's just about 13 months old now, running into everything! This pregnancy is going well, don't know what we're having yet, only 18 weeks. Hope you like Washington and your house looks great! Later this month I have a trip to Virginia so I'm going to stop by and see Steve Day and Katie. They're doing very well and enjoying their new house too.
You sound simply radiant! Be sure to pass on our best wishes to Steve and Katie. Can't wait to see more photos of Matt and the new one (once you post them, of course!)
Good idea! We are using the saucer to conduct test runs with spoons and cups. Miss C has learned from somewhere how to drink out of a cup. We give her just a little sip of water out of one of the cups from your visit. The cold water kind of suprises her but it helps her teething! I am still waiting until 6 months before solids.
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