A random thought here, why is it some people expect children to remain silent on flights when they (those who expect silence) are louder than every one else? Are they envious?
Anyway, thanks again to Poobou and clan for letting us hang out. I know it wasn't that long, but you made a world of difference. Miss C had a great time, she was able to strech, grab some toes, holler with C-baby, all that good kid stuff that being stuck in a car seat or on Mommy's lap prevents her from doing. The pictures poobou posted are awesome and we're looking forward to our next visit.
We've been working on unpacking the house for the past 3 or so days. I think we have made considerable progress. I have taken some before photos but one of the results of our reorganizing is my camera case has taken a short hiatus. I am sure i will locate it in the next day or so. When I do, I will load some photos. Promise!
Oh, Miss C is 16 weeks old today (not really 4 months until the 9th!) and to celebrate, she is spending tonight in her own room. There are no boxes (that room really was a priority) but there are no decorations yet. I have to take some photos of her crib and dresser. I picked them up from Target but its cherry. i also got the matchign three drawer dresser. It looks great. We have a swing in the room but saw a very cute kids recliner that we might pick up. I know, silly but Miss C will need a chair so...
Well, that's about it. Just a reminder, be sure to comment! No lurkers! ;-)

I'm glad the move worked out well. Hooray nursery!!
I can't believe how quickly time has gone. She's going to be a big girl soon! I miss you and can't wait for the day we can come out and see your little bundle of joy in person. Love you!!!
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