Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Leaning forward

Hey! So, last time I posted, Miss C had just transitioned into her  "big girl" class. What a blast! She is definitely enjoying being with older kids.  Her demeanor has changed somewhat, more independent, more outgoing, but she remains our sweet little girl.
A friend from Hawaii recently moved here so we had a play date on Sunday with them and their 2 year old. Miss C took the time to help her new friend adjust to being here, shared her toys (which you all know is nearly impossible at this age) and even offered to share her room if her friend needed a nap! What a girl!  Hopefully we will have more play dates before we move.
On that note, we will be relocating from the great northwest to the eastern seaboard around Thanksgiving. This will be our first long distance drive with Miss C so I ask you all, what do you recommend? We have 2 cars to move so we have decided that I will drive with Miss C and DH will drive with the cat (I know, I have the better deal). We are practicing doing things for ourselves in the car (read: Miss C is trying to not drop everything then yell to me to pick it up while I am driving) to make the move a little easier.  What did you do?  What insights can you offer?
We've been doing great. Had visits by DH's Mom and sister, Miss C really opened up to them! Miss C also started talking on the phone more very recently. I think the impetus was a short trip I had which resulted in the first time she and I were apart for any length of time.  I called after bath and she told me all about her day. She is talking to DH more when he calls and she even talked to her Grandpa a couple of weekends ago, which until now was nearly unheard of.
Well, that's pretty much us in a nut shell! We're staying busy, trying to sell the house (wish us luck!), planning to check out our new location and find a place to live there and all that fun stuff.  One thing all of this has reminded me is that we have entirely too much stuff. DH got a POD (portable on-demand storage, for those unaware) to clear out some space to allow for better showings and we haven't actually missed all our junk that is in there. OK, so some of it is purely seasonal but really? We definitely have to take a good look at what we bring with us and maybe par down a little?
OK, hope you all are having a great week and remember, let us know your  best recommendations for a cross-country move with a 3 year old! Thanks!


PartnerInCrime said...

You're going to drive cross-country with a 3 year-old??? Wow, that's brave. We had the movers ship my car, Dave drove his car, and C-girl and I flew. The idea of 3,000 miles with a carsickness-prone toddler did NOT sound like fun to me.

Advice: if your car doesn't already have one built in, invest in a portable DVD player. You won't regret it!

LizardBreath said...

We're lucky that so far Miss C hasn't exhibited any penchance for carsickness. I just ordered a portable dvd player to install on the back of the headrest in front of her so Miss C can stay a little entertained during the drive. Thanks!